凌波、金漢夫婦繼《花木蘭》後再度攜手主演的經典黃梅調電影。本片由周詩祿導演、張徹編劇,劇情講述鳳簫(凌波 飾)自幼許與李如龍(金漢 飾)為妻,繼母夏氏貪圖富貴,強逼如龍退婚;如龍不肯,夏氏再施毒計誣告如龍偷盜,將其收在獄中。鳳簫為救如龍,喬扮男裝上京,以如龍之名赴考,一舉而中恩科狀元,更被皇帝招為駙馬……
大地群英第三集,Brave Archer 3
Rear Entrance
Wits of the Brats
Lady Jade Locket
古拳决战空手道,Love on Delivery
Whose Baby Is in the Classroom?
The Mirror and the Lichee
Duel of Fists
逝去的日子,Tragic Commitment
Diau Charn of Three Kingdoms
Behind the Yellow Line,缘分
River of Tears
无间风云 Laughing哥前传 Turning Point
The Jade and The Pearl
To Kill a Mastermind
我爱香港,开心万岁,I Love Hong Kong